
Tirailleurs Nord-Africains et Zouave(1914) #1.3
Infantryman of the French "1er Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens" (1st Algerian Rifles) colonial troops, 45eme Division d'Infanterie (45th Infantry Division), 90eme Brigade (90th. Brigade) of the 6eme Armee (6th. Army), soldier of the 1er Regiment de Tirailleurs Marocain, Troupes Auxiliaires Marocaines (TAM), Brigade de Chasseurs Indigenes / Brigade Marocaine, 45eme Division d'Infanterie (1st Morrocan Rifles, Morrocan Auxiliary Troups (TAM), Moroccan Brigade, 45th. Infantry Division) , and Sergent, rengage (re-enlisted), of the 1er Regiment de Zouaves, 38eme Division d'Infanterie (1st. Zouaves Regiment, 38th. Infantry Division, 1914.
Acrylics on Bristol card. CAD modified to combined 3 artwork on a coloured background.