
Tirailleurs Algerien et Zouaves (1914) #1.3
Infantryman of the French "1er Regiment de Tirailleurs Algeriens" (1st Algerian Rifles) colonial troops, 45eme Division d'Infanterie (45th Infantry Division), 90eme Brigade (90th. Brigade) of the 6eme Armee (6th. Army) & Sergent, rengage (re-enlisted), of the 1er Regiment de Zouaves, 38eme Division d'Infanterie (1st. Zouaves Regiment, 38th. Infantry Division), French Army, Belgium, 1914.
Acrylics on Bristol card. CAD modified to combined 2 artwork on a coloured background.
Acrylics on Bristol card. CAD modified to combined 2 artwork on a coloured background.