
Pierre III Terrail, Knight of Bayard (1524) #2
Pierre III Terrail (1473-1524), Seigneur de Bayard, "Chevalier sans peur et sans reproches", "Le Bon Chevalier", Capitaine de France (1509), Lieutenant General du Dauphine (1515). Choisit, a Marignan, par Francois 1er pour conferer au roi lui-meme le statut de chevalier.
(Lord of Bayard, "the Knight witout Fear and beyond Reproachs", "The Good Knight", Captain of France (1509),General Lieutnant of Dauphine (1515).
Confered knighthood on Francis the 1st, King of France, after the Battle of Marignan, Italy, 1515.
Acrylic and ink on Bristol card. CAD reworked: "without shield"
(Lord of Bayard, "the Knight witout Fear and beyond Reproachs", "The Good Knight", Captain of France (1509),General Lieutnant of Dauphine (1515).
Confered knighthood on Francis the 1st, King of France, after the Battle of Marignan, Italy, 1515.
Acrylic and ink on Bristol card. CAD reworked: "without shield"